Thursday, December 27, 2012

Weight Loss Diet Plan

It is commonly believed that the massive amounts of Sugar and Processed Food we consume each day are reducing the effectiveness of our Weight Loss Diet Plan and making us not only much Fatter, but also a lot Sicker too.
Today's generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, meaning that many will bury their own kids!
Obesity-related conditions like type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease are now among the leading causes of preventable death in adults and children.
Most people who seem to have problems with their Weight Loss Diet Plan, underestimate the amount they eat and how active (Burning Calories Etc.) they think they are! Studies have shown this is more likely to be true, the heavier or more over weight a person is.

What these Studies have also found, was that most of the people who said they eat very little, it actually turns out that they eat a lot more than previously thought, when their food intake was monitored.

But, here is the main problem - "refined sugar!" The Processed food we eat on a daily basis is full of refined sugar, and it tricks us into thinking we are watching our sugar intake, calories and so on, leaving us confused as to why our Weight Loss Diet Plan is not working.
These refined sugars play havoc on our bodies and causes an excess amount of insulin to be produced and this is the beginning of many problems.

Studies have shown that when we produce excess insulin, (caused by our high-sugar diets) the insulin prevents Leptin, (a hormone that helps control appetite), from telling our brain that we've taken in enough food or energy.

So our head is telling us we are still feeling hungry long after we're actually full, creating a vicious cycle which prevents you from succeeding with your Weight Loss Diet Plan.
Leptin resistance is what keeps people obese.

Research suggests that this isn't about a leptin deficiency, because blood samples reveal that most over weight people have plenty of it, the issue is that their leptin isn't working properly!
This is the type of thing we need to help people understand.

* These sugars have many detrimental effects:
- Fructose gets turned into liver fat, which can prevent the liver from processing insulin properly.
- This may lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
- All this puts you at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.
- Provides too much energy intake causing Fat Storage and Weight Gains
If you’re counting calories, eliminating fattening foods and following your Weight Loss Diet Plan but the weight just will not come off, you may need to re-evaluate your Food Intake, Activity Levels, Fitness and Diet Plan.
Do you know how many calories there are in the orange juice you are guzzling, or the lattes you drink?
Coffee has no calories so you assume it is ok, but do people always register the fact that each Latte or Cappuccino can have 200 or more calories.
Or maybe you are not as active as you think (you may be busy, but), studies have shown that people who thought they walked about 10,000 steps a day, when given pedometers to actually see what they did, most people came in at only 1,500 to 2,000 steps per day.
Many people who have issues trying to Lose Weight feel as though they are fighting an Uphill Battle with no light at the End of the Tunnel!
Sit down and have a look at your Weight Loss Diet Plan and establish if everything you thought was ideal for you, needs to be changed or improved.

Don’t beat yourself up if you realise you are eating to many calories, there is too much sugar in your diet or you are not burning as much energy as you thought.

You have probably beat yourself up enough about not Losing Weight already, so if you find an area in your Diet Plan that can be improved, that is a "Good Thing"!
The more you learn, the closer you will get to succeeding on reaching your Weight Loss Goals!
There are many Online Programs now which help keep you Motivated, Exercise Plans to follow, Diet Plans and Teach you all about Body Function, Food, Calories and much, much more!
These Online Weight Loss Diet Plans can be very beneficial and help You Lose Weight and Keep it Off.
* Learn More about some online Weight Loss Diet Plans here and JUST Do It! The hardest part is making the decision to do something, the rest is easy!

Click the link below, check out some Online Diet Plans, Pick One and Just Do It!!!!!!!

"Weight Loss Diet Plan Reviews"

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